Check out our 2nd place winner in the ages 13-18 division!

Our judge this year is Jamie Allison, District Elementary Teacher Librarian for the Santa Barbara Unified School District. Thank you, Jamie!
Sue DiCicco – Founder, Armed with the Arts Inc.

2nd Place for ages 13-18

Another winner from Irene Smit and Astrid Der Hulst, cofounders and creative directors of FLOW magazine.

Slow down! The Time is Now! This book is the antidote to what ails us, giving the reader time to discover their own strengths and appreciate the little things in life. I love this book and was so happy to see that Jamie did, too. It is packed with wisdom, exercises, ideas, quotes, challenges, and guidance. 

In a world that is dominated by cell phones, social media, instant everything, and all at once, this book is a welcome break. Creativity over chaos. Clarity over confusion. This book provides readers with the opportunity to understand, appreciate and explore their own thoughts and ideas in a soothing and empowering way.

I need to stop typing now. I need to spend more time with this book!

To view the book on Amazon, click below. 

A Book That Takes Its Time (Amazon)

A Book That Takes Its Time
Irene Smit, Astrid Der Hulst
Workman Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-7611-9377-7

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